Pause for Thought 3

Please do not rush on.  Take your time.  Have you reflected on what you learned about layering?  Give time to absorb it and consider how it relates to you.

Take a break before moving on as the next section is separate, though related to layering. Hasten slowly!  This website will then have more impact and be more helpful to you.

Keep doing the relaxation exercises and develop your oases of calm.  Now you are used to doing them think about when you ‘ought’ to do the exercises and when you need to temporarily, and often very briefly, withdraw to your oasis.

Welcome back!

The next three topics are independent of each other so read through each page, reflect on what the topic means to you and do your own exploration of whatever is raised that relates to the way the stress has presented, its causes and how you manage it. It may take some time to work through this.

Any and all stresses can feature in layering but there are some topics that are common and affect probably everyone at some time or other. Sometimes they are presenting stresses but for other people or even for the same person on another occasion they may be underlying stresses or even core stresses and act at a deeper,  almost unconscious level.

Examples of these topics are Disappointment, Resentment and Guilt that are covered in the next few pages.  Later, there will be a fourth page about Shame. It is significant that all these topics are to do with relationships.  The related stress probably has most impact when it is to do with your relationship with people who are close to you.

Work through these pages even if you do not initially see them as relevant as I am almost certain they will be significant to you at one level or another.

Also, you will probably need to revisit these pages as your circumstances change and situations develop as that will change your current assessment of your needs.

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